Just more data that dispel the propaganda that COVID vaccines work:
Independent review: http://www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0621/pandemicblunder.html
Just more data that dispel the propaganda that COVID vaccines work:
Independent review: http://www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0621/pandemicblunder.html
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For some context:
Graph shows fully vaxed covid cases - 87.43 %
Canada fully vaxed total population - 78.69 % (and 40.51% boosted)
Therefor, proportionally more vaxed covid cases than unvaxed.
Bottom line, based on this data, unvaxed are less likely to be a covid case.
caveat - vaxed population tends to skew older than unvaxed.
Negative efficacy. Very poor vaccine design.