Very interesting data for San Diego
This healthy community shows no major benefit from vaccine/booster shots
Mathew Crawford has presented a detailed analysis of COVID data for San Diego, a highly regarded healthy community.
Below are three key data table that are worth spending some time closely exasmining.
Crawford made these important conclusions:
“We are clearly and absolutely not in a "pandemic of the unvaccinated".
The primary risk statistics are fairly flat. There is no indication of substantial leaps in efficacy from one group to the next.”
In other words, getting all available vaccine/booster shots does not produce remarkably greater benefits than not being fully vaxxed. And a booster shot does not produce a substantial benefit.
I always stress death rate. You can see that there is only a small increase for the non fully vaxxed group, about the same as the increase in the full plus booster group over the group not getting a booster.
I was very troubled by some stories of unvaxXed people who survived the hospital protocols + plus some testimonies of family whose dear unvaxed one didn't pull through. Very important fact: The minute the medical staff knows the patient is unvaxxed and positive with COV symptoms (heck you don't go to the hospital because you feel good...), their whole attitude changes, they isolate you, label you as DNR, put you in sequence on their drug and intubation protocol. This will lead the unvaxxed patient to his sure death. So, in the death section in any C0v statistics, for a fair comparison, please be aware that there has been more deaths that occured this way (in the unvaxxed). Sad, but true.
I would love to see data that separates "not fully vaxed" from those not vaxed at all. That info makes a difference in outcome since up to 2 weeks after the second dose counts as not fully vaccinated