Great article, thanks. A great resource for Covid-19 treatment is c19early.com It aggregates more than 2000 studies on more than 40 treatments. It ranks treatment options by effectiveness under varying circumstances and provides detailed pages for most of the treatments plus links to the individual studies. It even provides average cost for the treatments. It's updated very frequently. People who believe the MSM mantra that there are only a few treatments available are blown away when they realize that more than 40 treatments have been withheld from them.

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Great review. Remember also the NEJM and Lancet involvement in surgisphere, the single most deadly intervention in medical journal history. The next was Ben Goldacre's Lancet Rheumatology publication showing how HCQ was ineffective against COVID using the "OPENSAFELY" data set whilst refusing to share that data for OPENSCRUTINY. Richard Horton, who infamously was the GMC's primary witness against Andrew Wakefield (who did nothing wrong) is involved in both of those hydroxychloroquine journal scandals. How many deaths has he been responsible for now?

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A wonderful resource - thank you.

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