This is a travesty of justice. Dr. Nepute had a large well respected practice here in St. Louis that consisted of not only him as a Chiropractor, but also MD’s and other medical professionals. My wife got free vitamin D3 from Dr. Nepute’s service during the heat of the pandemic. He was genuinely trying to save lives, and they want to destroy him for it. So sad. Praying for him.
the fix is in , and the genocidists are laughing all the way to the bank
This is a travesty of justice. Dr. Nepute had a large well respected practice here in St. Louis that consisted of not only him as a Chiropractor, but also MD’s and other medical professionals. My wife got free vitamin D3 from Dr. Nepute’s service during the heat of the pandemic. He was genuinely trying to save lives, and they want to destroy him for it. So sad. Praying for him.