And Joel, here is the answer I got from Anne Mitchel after my las comment on yours some time back...it's what I was talkin' 'bout...:


Better pics in this, it's called "Canceling the Spike Protein

Striking Visual Evidence"

Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Peter Bell


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The Levy article is terrific; I have long advocated use of vitamins and supplements to address COVID and also believe it deals with long COVID (what Levy calls chronic COVID). Personally, I take high doses of both vitamin C and D daily. I think micro blood clots help explain so many things because they reduce blood flow and oxygen and also cause inflammation. Sadly, very few doctors use the D-dimer test as a way to verify blood clotting from COVID infection and COVID vaccines.

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Reading the better informed responses promos me to mention a couple of points:

The D-dimer test does not reveal micro clots...you need magnified photos of red blood corpuscles for that.

I don’t think micro-clots stop blood flow, the just stop the red blood corpuscles from exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide and vici versa in the lungs... that’s Covid


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Joel, I thought this Long Covid thing was done and dusted a while agoe.

I got a response from someone on TSN that the cause was string micro clots and that to check for this to take a D-Dimer test that shows up the tiny clots that only partially block the tiniest capillaries thus starving them o oxygen in whatever organ/area they were blocking.

I thought that someone else had shown (photos) that heavy doses of vitamin C (preferably liposomal) got rid of the problem ??

Am I wrong here?

Peter Bell,


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What are your thoughts on the use of the hyperbaric chamber for this?

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I have not seen any information on this.

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It is mentioned in article referred to above. There is a bit of discussion out there. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8848789/

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