Not hard to believe these finding when you see it and experience it daily, less so these days as people are waking up to the terrible blunder they made. I can see a different resentment coming, that antipathy derived from jealousy and self recriminations at the blunder, the resentment towards those who didn’t make the same mistake. I feel it already via the ghosting from friends and colleagues when I seek to help them see truth, a truth they must now know to be truth. I believe the ostrich strategy is disintegrating and in its place, instead of acknowledging that the unvaccinated were right, is a growing resentment that we were right. Won’t be long before we are blamed for not doing enough to stop it... Meanwhile concern over vaccinated blood in the blood banks causing vaccination like medical issues may result in a HIV type scare and once again the unvaccinated will be in the spot light, and maybe not in a good way...

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"once again the unvaccinated will be in the spot light, and maybe not in a good way..."

Are you referring to the method used by the "uber-wealthy" to obtain "clean" blood, on demand, using their "Clean Blood for You Now" team of identify, locate, capture and drain specialists?

Where did you say you are residing now Adrian Ryan?

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If they are ignoring you, and presumably anybody else that may tell them truth, I wouldn't be so sure they know. MSM is still silent on anything negative.

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A damning Truth is, and caution to the un-vaccinated to stay out of the hospital is, - 

Many in hospital covid deaths and post covid hospitalization discharge deaths were initially, and now, due to the "kill the covid patient protocol", deployed from the very first "who" covid treatment guidelines committee meeting in Jan 2020.

The "who's who" in this "who" meeting initiated the planned plot to suppress early outpatient use of generic covid treatment drugs+ and to suppress the use of steroids to treat inflammation in the later covid disease course, countermanding known medical practice, despite their actual acknowledgement of the benefit of properly timed steroid use found in the notes released from their plotting session.

They did this for the benefit of their "pharma" and "intelligence / niaid" overlords to push remdesivir and a "vaccine" only path to push Mrna platform technology for "vaccines" into mass use to gain "captured" "regulatory approval" of the Mrna platform for use as a cheap, fast, dirty "vaccine" mass deployment platform to counter a bio-weapon attack.

Thus any questioning of the "no treatment" for covid narrative, except ventilation and drugs to kill, and any questioning of the "safe and effective" "vaccine" narrative must be suppressed and stopped - by any means necessary.

 !!! BAMN !!! even if millions die.

No doubt that hospitals killed with ventilators and did use the euthanasia cocktail on the ventilated patient, as well as on some patients on high flow oxygen. What better to do if "the patient" "needed" to die faster to "free up" space for the next, big profit, killing coded as a covid death? So we had the up to 80% initial in hospital death rate horror, in new york hospitals and demonstrated, as policy in now? "nazi" sweden, the use of a 2 drug cocktail to kill the old covid patient without even attempting to provide access to any oxygen - plain old "shoot" those elderly to death with drugs.

No doubt after the "shot" roll out some of the un-vacccinated were "eyed", hated and "treated" to death

This beyond egregious "killing" behavior is further compounded by the fact that the vast majority would have been saved with the known, shown safe and effective, AND "NOISED ABROAD FROM MARCH 2020, early outpatient treatment protocols with safe and effective, low cost generic drugs+ that stopped covid hospitalization, with ER treatment protocols that stabilizes the covid patient in the emergency room and sends them home with prescriptions and with proper in hospital treatment that addresses severe covid ASAP starting in the ER with effective dosing of corticosteroids and anticoagulant drugs etc which greatly lowers in hospital and post discharge death

Many "doctors" proved to be cowards. The university of minnesota medical school graduating class even rewrote their Hippocratic Oath to specifically put themselves first. This sanctions these so called "doctors" to now participate in doing very great harm to their patient to insure they come first. It is now "ok" for these so called "doctors" to protect their jobs by doing what the "system" tells them to do, even to doing very clear harm to the patient, by denying the patient 1) the early outpatient treatment which stops covid, 2) the ER treatment that stabilizes the covid patient in the emergency room and sends them home with prescriptions and 3) the proper in hospital treatment that addresses very severe covid asap starting in the ER with effective dosing of corticosteroids and anticoagulant drugs etc which greatly lowers in hospital and post discharge death.

So called "doctors" go along, get along, get the paycheck, to hell with the patient and "first do no harm". All too lower human consciousness cowardliness.

"mass shootings" with "spike shot" / "clot shot" Now even into the babies!

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Excellent point!

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"In a historical feat of science, highly effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 were developed, tested, approved, and mass produced in less than a year."

That's the opening sentence of the study introduction. It renders everything that comes after it to be rubbish. I can't find the study time frame and wonder if these attitudes persist in most western countries now that the failure of the jabs is impossible to miss. They don't stop infection or transmission. The jabbed are infected with C19 at higher rates than the unvaxxed. The jabbed are dying at higher rates of C19 and other conditions that are probably related to the jabs.

I suspect that many unvaxxed parents are also concerned about their children marrying a vaxxed person. Why? Because they've demonstrated a mental weakness and because they have unknown health risks.

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Researchers have to put certain number of tributes and tropes into their studies to get them published if the study reflects poorly on the jabs. "They're otherwise highly safe and effective " or somesuch must be offered to the narrative gods.

I've thought I wouldn't want my kids to marry a jabbed person both as a character issue and fertility concerns.

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I agree. It could be a narrative obeisance to get published, which makes them cowards.

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Better to be thought ignorant, untrustworthy, conspiratorial, or whatever one wants to think, than to be vaccinated. They can have their vaccines. When the dust clears I know who will still be standing and who won't. Kind of like a saved Christian: I'm not worried!

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The treatment of the unvaxxed by the vaxxed makes me sick. Since they refuse to listen to us and our legit experts with an alternative view, all we’ve asked is to be left alone to our well informed decision, which impacts them and their grandma in no way. And while you’re at it, don’t leak your mutant variant viruses to us, don’t shed your spikes into us, and don’t make us take your tainted blood. There!…I feel a little better now.

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