Whilst technically true, Simpson's paradox means it is misleading. When broken down by age it is actually the single/double vaccinated that are over-represented in the death figures. However, the fact that so many triple vaccinated are dying shows that the vaccines aren't effective.

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What the high death rate for fully vaxxed people show is that their immune systems have been wrecked by the shots.

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link to the source article/study?

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Ok but is it proportional?

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Your thinking is off; the important point is that the vast majority of full vaccinated people are dying from COVID; surely because their immune systems have been wrecked by the shots.

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if 90% of the people are vaccinated and 90% of the people are dying then that means they vax is having no effect. If 90% are vaccinated and 80% are dying then it is having a positive effect, and vice versa.

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Pages 44-47 of the COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report – week 35 show the vaccination status at time of admission by age group for a couple of times periods in England. While not all deaths occur in hospital, many (most?) do.

For example, the vaccination status at time of admission by age group for admissions from 21 March 2022 to 19 June 2022, sentinel data, England/Age 75 and older:

Total Hospitalizations (2730)

Unvaxxed (126)

One Dose (32)

Two Doses (152)

Three Doses (1393)

Three+ Doses (1027)


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According to this (https://ycharts.com/indicators/uk_coronavirus_full_vaccination_rate) full vaccination rate is 75%. According to the graphic triple vaccinated deaths are 85%. At first blush it could imply that vaccinations are causing deaths. It also maybe that the less healthy, more vulnerable get more shots which are not effective in saving lives. Doing the analysis on proportions by age+health status would be enlightening.

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Doing the analysis on proportions by age+health status would be enlightening.

Which is exactly why they're not doing it....

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