I look forward to reading updates from this site, one of the few I can trust. In the short-term, a reliable testing source that will identify the presence of micro blood clots would be very helpful. I asked my Doc to do a d-dimer test and he said they were only for heart patients with possible blood clots (larger blood clots). I went to another health site who offered a d-dimer test kit that is coordinated with a nearby lab for $60. I called the company selling this to ask if it would identify micro blood clots and they told me they only identify larger blood clots that might cause heart attack. D-dimer does not always screen for micro blood clots. It makes me wonder if there is pressure from somewhere to NOT test for this because it might identify a very serious adverse effect from the vaccine. I am not vaccinated at all but did have the Delta variant in 2021. Sailed through it with Ivermectin and HCQ.

My point: Getting a d-dimer test may not screen for micro blood clots, only large easily seen clots. That is if you can find a good test site at all.

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Dear James,

The d-dimer test is not clot size dependent; the first major attention to it was by a Canadian doctor who found evidence for micro clots in over 60% of his patients that had received vaccine shots; and South Africa researchers have a method to actually see micro clots in long COVID victims. At the beginning of the pandemic several New York City hospitals used d-dimer regularly to assess clots in patients with COVID.

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I think my sister is suffering from long COVID but the doctor diagnosed her fibromyalgia. Her symptoms began after the inoculation.

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