The perps knew exactly what they were doing. In January of 2017 he informed the world about what had been planned for years and would take place in the future. No one was wise enough to ask him how a "surprise" pandemic could be predicted. Remember the "calm before the storm" statement of DJT that was never clarified? They were putting it out publicly so the elites would all be ready.

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Check your publication date : January 2001.

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Amen!! Fauci should (but won’t - from either party) - be held accountable. The man is an insane criminal who should go to the PUBLIC gallows. He is Hitler to the THIRD power, but he points fingers at his allies at CDC, FDA, etc to claim THEY called the shots. Hmmm, I thought that was HIS job. One agency lies, the other swears to it and we have a conspiracy that nobody questions in main-stream media.

Hang these criminals !!

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