I think we should stop using the term asymptomatic testing. It implies, we all have disease but are not showing symptoms. Really they're talking about testing healthy people and on a large scale basis which won't help anyone. Moreover, asymptomatic spread in those who actually DO have COVID is responsible only for a tiny fraction insofar as contributing to the pandemic is concerned IMHO (and there is a lot of literature to back this up). And what about other viruses like RSV... don't they count? Again, I feel that the best course of action is to stop all of this random and needless testing (we don't randomly test the healthy population for RSV, influenza etc., so why SARS CoV-2, TB?). Otherwise we're prolonging pandemic measures/behaviour if not actually prolonging the actual pandemic. Just my two cents.

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For what it's worth, you may now request another set of 4 tests from CovidTests.gov. Got to get rid of them somewhere and we paid for them. Might make good doorstops in a pinch.

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These tests have nothing to do with Covid; that is all a fallacy - they are mapping your genome (your DNA credentials). You can believe me or not - look up "What Is Gene Therapy? How Does It Work?" on the FDA or similar... we are all be MODELLED.

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For the record: I work hard to avoid conspiracy theories that I cannot find a solid medical science basis for; this is CDC has said:: only the virus in the sample would be used for the genomic sequencing analysis.

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I know you do and I really do not mean ANY offence (yes really); I get stroppy sometimes,.. so I apologise ... but I called this out years ago and suddenly I got to work with like minded individuals for the last two years and we have opened up the biggest can of worms you can imagine. This is not a conspiracy theory; the whole point / their goal of a "GLOBAL future health service is already written down if you look at the WEF and even on specific government websites (the UK is a prime example).

Here are some sub-sites - all UK Government (the NHS = UK Health service):



Not Gov = https://www.hsj.co.uk/service-design/a-bright-future-for-genomics-and-gene-therapy-in-the-uk/7028207.article


The thing is that this is no longer a tin hat man wearing conspiracy - THIS IS HAPPENING NOW and even the best and brightest people can either not see it or believe it. You know - I understand... the World as we know it HAS GONE MAD.




I am not making this stuff up; as of course you can believe what you want (no offence intended before by the way) - it is up to you to make your own choice of info.

The future of the Globalised health care system as written down on the WEF and government websites - it is digitised - based on your DNA / GENOMES and believe it or not mRNA jabs - they think that will heal us all.

Open your eyes and look yourself... or be distracted by scene act 2 in Ukraine.

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You have a right to your opinions, but please do not use my website to express them; just try and stay with comments on my articles. And I disagree with your views.

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Deleted my comment as too harsh. Sorry.

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