If a HUGE number of disgruntled docs departed from the system IN UNISON and formed a whole new discipline with its own associations and accreditations, things might start to improve. Not gonna happen. Debt and careerism are too powerful.

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I never want to be a 'patient' if I can help it. Frankly, if I never saw another 'doctor' again in my life I'd consider it a blessing.

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I don’t understand why this letter is “terrific”. I’ve already seen it on SK’s substack. Please share with me why it is “Terrific”. I don’t get it.

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Because it gives details on why nearly all doctors support the establishment propaganda

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IVM is about as dangerous as taking an aspirin, maybe LESS so. This letter is unconscionable. Where is the oversight to the oversight? The current overseers are murdering the world- and now our kids.

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