Dust masks don’t stop viruses. Industrial respirators do. My spray painting respirator which I restocked in January 2020 has worked. Not vaxed and never had a cold, sniffle or covid in three years. Doubt if I’ve been shed on. No ivermectin either, there isn’t any in Australia. Will they outlaw spray painting equipment?!?

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Agreeing with you here. The whole 'masks don't work' discussion is rather silly, because it's based on masks-that-don't-work worn by people who don't know how to use them properly. This study of medical workers, for instance, is more of a behavioral study (a), and also likely based on very cheap "N95s" produced in China (b), where the air whistles through like a screen door.

If the air going into your body is coming unfiltered through the top cracks above the mask - regardless of whether it's an N95 or a cheap blue medical or a lead panel - that unfiltered air has the same risk.

Regarding behavior, pop into the coffee kitchen at any hospital even during the pandemic and all of the employees are having their cake together without masks.

The Spike protein gets into the ovaries, the brain, the heart, etc, and it destroys those cells. If you don't want that to happen, do what you can to protect your body and your family's future.

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"Agreeing with you here." Your statement "This study of medical workers, for instance, is more of a behavioral study" helps me to better understand the 2 fold nature of this study which they did, in effect, publish. The effectiveness of masks AND the necessity of behavioral changes and likely infection in normal, probably unmasked, activitys

I think they followed standard western medical practice of using the right size and fit testing the masks. I expect this far into the "pandemic" they were using "real" FFP3 masks. Their statement "cases attributed to ward-based exposure fell significantly, with FFP3 respirators providing 31-100% protection (and most likely 100%) against infection from patients with Covid-19". Their (and most likely 100%) achnowledges the truth of and the need of and effectiveness of high grade properly fitted respirator grade masking in an infectious environment. Those that got infected - as you said.

I got to love your statement "The whole 'masks don't work' discussion is rather silly, because it's based on masks-that-don't-work worn by people who don't know how to use them properly." Why is this not clear to the many? my answer -

the following is my comment posted on Steve Kirsch's substack Catchup (Part 2) where SK states "Pierre claimed masks do provide some protection against viruses and sent me some papers to prove his point."

"Pierre Kory and masks"

At your request SK I too sent you 1) compelling real world science and 2) a real world, real covid virus test where real nurses, hospital personal and doctors stopped getting covid when they upgraded from the bogus "protection" of surgical masks to "respirator" grade masks and 3) links to, recorded in real time, mask testing videos by Aaron Collins using particles as small as a single covid virus which also show how easy it is to get a good mask fit and size and how effective "Real" masking is.

You did not respond to truth then. You say now "I haven’t analyzed all the papers" What is influencing you to say "say I’m not convinced"? Is it "the evil"?

"the evil", salting the battlefield for this covid and a future high lethality virus, has worked and does work to denigrate and discredit the True Protection that the 3M "quality grade" N95 and better disposable (or reusable), easily sized and fitted, respirator grade mask does provide. Especially when combined with basic eye protection (glasses and anti viral drops) and just before masking "pre-use" of homemade nose, mouth and throat sprays and subsequent use of homemade eye wash, nasal flush, mouthwash and gargle and continuing preemptive use of sprays and "flush" hygiene (and nebulization to catch and kill any viral escapees) used as needed post potential exposure. Not difficult to do, once a routine is established, BY CHOICE, in consideration of near and long term viral damage, viral spike damage and all manner of vaccine "spike" damage to be avoided if possible. Then treat early at first symptoms.

Pro covid vax and Anti real mask people are both suffering from mis, dis, and mal "mdm" information.

"The Spike protein gets into the ovaries, the brain, the heart, etc, and it destroys those cells. If you don't want that to happen, do what you can to protect your body and your family's future." I could not agree with you more, no such thing as "mild" covid

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Looks like I found someone who has given good thought to this matter. :)

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Possum, We who appreciate "painting" equipment, members of the greater painting equipment appreciation community, Know some Truth about "industrial respirators". Great viral load reduction. First line defense. James

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Dr Hirschhorn, thank you for all you do!

I have a urgent question for you:

I have several family members who are having heart issues after being vaccinated. Do you know of or have you heard of a medication/supplement that can help prevent micro-clotting or perhaps help mitigate the effects of the spike protein? I seem to remember you mentioning something in a podcast but I can’t locate it.

I’m also asking because it is impossible to get any doctors to even talk to us about it. As soon as we raise the possibility that there heart damage is due to the vaccine/micro-clotting/spike protein, they won’t talk to us anymore. Any info you have would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

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Preventing clots from spike proteins may benefit from using various blood thinners; doctors have told me they use aspirin, plavix and similar drugs. Personally, I take vitamins d, quercetin, zinc and various mushroom supplements, also vitamin c.

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try the FLCCC website for "available" protocols and this group " 🌟 Gez Medinger replied: "Next film will address the treatment side of things directly. Out on Thursday." They may be posting a vaccine injury protocol on youtube today, the next in a series from this "How 'Microclots' Fit Into the Long Covid Puzzle | With Prof. Resia Pretorius and Prof. Doug Kell" just not advertised as a vaccine injury series, they talk about blood filtering which is probably hard to get unless wealthy or connected but will also be discussing treatment with both drugs and non prescription agents so it appears from what they are saying in the series earlier videos.

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Ok, thanks so much for replying! I’ll check this out!

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To Zack L. I watched the Gez Medinger hosted video today, the doctor's finding of the need for and use of 3 anticoagulants at the same time, triple therapy, and their quantified risk based on their use in 300+ patients and their observations on non response in some was interesting and valuable, as was his prediction of failed trials to come using only one drug at a time.

Reports from doctors actually treating patients is where the knowledge is now.

The most specific protocol I know of for autophagy to help stimulate the body to clean out the "bad stuff" and some knowledge of the best immunomodulatory agents to slow the body from making more "bad stuff" during treatment is found with Dr Paul Marik and with the team at the FLCCC including Dr Mobeen Syed.

Dr. Marik is going to conferences, keeping up with the advancing clinical treatment progress, trying to get doctors to release knowledge of specific immunomodulatory protocols that show promise in their clinical practice and, making this available through the FLCCC.

I would try to understand their current treatment protocol to help the body induce autophagy, and safe immune modulation to the extent they have that to a working protocol and find a cardiologist to keep track of heart problems they can see and understand even if you can not find one with spike and virus caused blood vessel lining and micro clot damage treatment knowledge. You might have to watch what you say to some doctors these days to be able to get needed help they can provide. James

ps. safe anticoagulation, immune modulation, autophagy, blood vessel repair and damage all over - some of which may not be repairable

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Thank you for replying! I will pass this information along!

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I previously posted much of the following comment about masks on substack Alexander

Some "studies" are worthless. covid prevention needs multiple measures

watch, with your own eyes, the Aaron Collins youtube videos where he tests masks using salt particles as small as a single covid virus. https://www.youtube.com/user/coll0412 You will see 10,000 to 20,000 30,000 particles per cubic ? outside the mask reduced by the P100 (that looks like a N95) to 1 or 2 to a few particles per cubic ? inside the mask and reduced by the N95 to + or - 150 particles per cubic? inside the mask.

These masks capture tiny particles by electrostatic charge. In some sense the smaller the particle, the less the mass, the better they are captured. The masks are officially tested against a larger "most penetrating " size particle.

SK claims N95's are near worthless and the P100 is "150" times better. 10,000 - 20,000 - 30,000 particles per cubic? measure outside the mask -as demonstrated in Aaron Collins videos 1 or 2 gets in with the P100 while 150 get in with the N95. N 95 near worthless? 20,000 outside mask 150 in mask, reduction of viral load matters. Nothing is perfect. for covid prevention that that is where masks AND simple, homemade, nose and mouth spray, 12% Zylitol in plain water and .5 % povidone-iodine in saline, for example, just before masking and after masking and as needed gargle / mouthwash, nasal flush and eyewash for which 1% Johnson's baby shampoo in normal saline made with filtered boiled water for mouthwash and used with a NeilMed nasal flush bottle for the nose and for eyes from a well washed palm of the hand or eyewash cup or even just plain normal saline made with boiled filtered water for eye wash to supplement glasses for eye protection

claims are made that N rated masks, which are not rated against oil based aerosol, can not stop sars because sars is an oil based aerosol (P rated masks are rated against oil aerosols N rated are not rated against oil containing aerosols)

"SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is an enveloped virus, meaning that its genetic material is packed inside an outer layer (envelope) of proteins and lipids".

"the genome is further packed by an envelope which is associated with three structural proteins: membrane protein (M), spike protein (S), and envelope protein (E) (Brian and Baric, 2005)."

"All encode the structural spike (S) glycoprotein, small envelope (E) protein, membrane (M) glycoprotein, and nucleocapsid (N) protein,"

all protein and sugar (glyco) Is the "lipid" really a factor?

"The quality of face masks healthcare workers wear makes a huge difference to their risk of coronavirus infection, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust research has found." (they switched from surgical to ffp-3 masks)

"Wearing a high grade mask known as an FFP3 can provide up to 100% protection"

 "In the weeks following this move, the rate of infections among healthcare workers on red wards dropped spectacularly, quickly falling to the level experienced by staff on green wards where there were no Covid patients."

"The study concludes that "cases attributed to ward-based exposure fell significantly, with FFP3 respirators providing 31-100% protection (and most likely 100%) against infection from patients with Covid-19". (my note: patients probably not nearly infectious as walking around people just coming down with covid)

"Any remaining cases were likely to be caused by spread in the community, rather than in the hospital."

SK asked me to send him the link to the actual study. I did.

Is there really much practical difference between a FFP-3 and an N95 when N95's can test above 99.5% as shown by Aaron Collins? What is the real truth about the practical effectiveness of N95 and "better" masks? The newer 3M masks are comfortable, breathable, and affordable, and for high risk people to me it makes sense in high risk indooe environments if they so choose..I do so understand .

Leslie Benjamini Am I to assume SK is Steve Kirsch? Did he respond?

Yes. I had taken him to task, a bit. He asked for a study so I sent him one. Dead air. No Reply

Leslie Benjamini Hmmmmmm……..

Steve Kirsch is one of the covid heros of this evil time.

At the start of this "pandemic" As a high risk person with good research skills, I stocked up, hunkered down and went into research mode 16 hours a day 7 days a week for months untill I ran out of vegatables and curb side pickup was easy.

I found scores of true covid heros around the world and have followed numbers of them since.

Some of them do not get it right all the time. Heros they remain. James

Leslie Benjamini

I agree. He’s special. And he’s faced this head on having been fooled into being jabbed twice.

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QUOTE: "To be eligible for the study, participants could not have received a highly effective COVID-19 vaccine..."

There is a highly effective COVID-19 vaccine? Who makes it and where is it available?

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Good point; clearly the "establishment" view is that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were highly effective; I have always maintained that both are not effective or safe. But this research wanted to isolate the effect of masking.

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It's worse. Slaves have been forced to wear masks for millennia, and they are obedience signals. Here's a way to download my new book free. See the mask chapter in Part 2. https://dl.bookfunnel.com/t2feeen29q

you can review it on Amazon when it goes up in a week or 2.

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