This is a fantastic summary of what ails American medicine. Thank you for your effort.

For anyone who may be interested, Paul Starr's The Social Transformation of American Medicine provides also provides a good historical account on how American medicine became what it is today, and it's not reliance on good science.

I am intrigued to hear that you have spent decades tracking down "forgotten cures." In general, I wonder if any of those, in your view, hold promise for the likely growing pool of "vaccine" victims. More specifically, I wondered if you would be willing to comment on Rife technologies, which were recently brought to my attention. I have several friends who suffered cancer resurgences (terminal according to their doctors) after getting jabbed, and I wondered if I would be doing a kindness by pointing this possibility out. A friend relayed a shocking healing experience that involved the "Spooky" Rife setup, hence I ask these questions. Thank you.

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Very good article. Some of which I was already familiar with such as the history of the AMA and their role in controlling treatment and just pushing pharmaceuticals. Will be linking this today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thanks for this essay. The toxic mix of economic power and political power in the US medical system is becoming clearer to me.

At the opening you wrote: "...life expectancy plummeted from 78.86 years in 2019 to 76.99 years in 2020, according to the researchers. The net loss of 2.26 years was the biggest one year fall since at least World War II." The difference in those two numbers is 1.87 years, not 2.26. Can you clarify? Thanks

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