Re: Now Australia has essentially ended its coercive vaccination program for healthy adults under 50

Me: So everyone over 50 is considered to be of no further employable value and must be exterminated as soon as possible?

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Great question. As a senior, I asked my self the same question? Vaccinate all of us because we don’t matter much? ugh.

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Me almost 76 Senior - you? We got to be Seniors because we used life's skills and a lot of common sense and luck to do that - if these buggers think they can knock us off now, because we are a financial drain on their resources which we paid taxes on, our whole lives long, to enjoy in our older years, then they can go fuck themselves is my take on that - along with their stupid vaccines too!!

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With you on that one! (at 71)

Ageism is so ugly, but this it taking it to a whole new level.

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At 71, you are still a baby against my almost 76 (Feb 2 2023)

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You go girl!

You are too feisty to be put down!

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Thanks for reporting the story about this Florida report. I found the press release: https://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2022/10/20220512-guidance-mrna-covid19-vaccine.pr.html and the report itself: https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/20221007-guidance-mrna-covid19-vaccines-analysis.pdf

I haven't read the report in detail. It has no author attribution or any header which indicates it is from the Florida Department of Health. However, in the PDF metadata the author field contains: "Buck, Brian H".

So this is surely the author: Brian H. Buck: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Brian-Buck-2 , https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=uJ7qnYwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao 6622 citations, https://www.ualberta.ca/medicine/about/people/details.html?n=Brian-Buck - Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology. He specialised in treating stroke

If we could only get Joseph Ladapo's attention on vitamin D. I have tried and will try again. https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ . Reducing the risk of stroke and hypertension should begin with two or so grams of potassium a day, in small quantities throughout the day, plus of course vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids, other nutrients and avoiding excessive salt intake: https://aminotheory.com/cv19/kna/ .

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I’d just remind them that I’m due to carc soon, so don’t waste your “precious” cytotoxic injection.

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Joel, please post your sources for this article as it seems the official Australian health service website doesn't say the same thing as you are saying it is saying. What source did you obtain your information from?

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I have to admit I cannot recall my source; every day I scan a huge amount of materials, and where I got that info cannot be verified.

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Previously, I don't trust my doctor, any more than I could throw him - now I don't trust my doctor any more than I could throw a grand piano!!

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If you live in Victoria Australia you cannot work in health - doctors, aged care, nurses, osteo, chiro, physio, reception, student placement, police, fire, emergency services…. That’s a lot of people under 50 who CANNOT work unless triple booster.


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I just love this! I see that we Americans can not visit most of Europe without the COVID vaccination or a PCR test — but Europeans must do both to enter the U.S. Why are we so backward at times? Calls to mind Prohibition…what did the Europeans think of us back then? Stupidity in retrospect?

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