Many people in California act as if we are out of the woods. The tv ads are focusing on RSV in children (respiratory problems leading to hospitalization) and on getting the latest "boost." I so appreciate this info that reminds me to stay informed on a topic that sometimes seems so time-worn. I wish my 25-year old flight attendant daughter would take me seriously when I try to share articles like this with her; instead, she tells me disdainfully, "I follow the science, Mom..." She had covid and had one jab (but won't tell me if she got "boosted" and won't respond to my emails anymore).

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My situation is similar.

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I never heard of Geert Vanden Bosch but I will look them up. Cheers👩‍🌾

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Chlorine dioxide

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Dr Vanden Bossche is not very happy with the way Mary Beth Pffeifer represented him and his views in this article. See his comment on the substack with the original article or on his website.

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